Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lets not FORGET

This is a very special and emotional day for all of us. I have been watching the Memorial Services all morning. And still today my eyes fill up with tears.

Lets Not FORGET.

Love this picture. It has to be one of my favorites.


Be Colorful Coastal

I know. I have been recording and watching some fascinating programs on national Geographic. I never watch that channel. I am usually too shallow and hooked on HGTV or Bravo but they have had some terrific 9-11 programing and I have cried countless times. It still all strikes a nerve.
never forget.

Uniquely Ella

Oh Pam you are so right, It still strikes a nerve. Love your picture!


Hi Pam...I'm with you there, cried most of the day. There is no way any true loving american will EVER forget! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and sharing about your dominos! :)

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